Prenatal Classes
for theses classes you do not need a prescription from your gyn, they are 100% reimbursed by the CNS
You can join my prenatal classes in my practice in Mamer at the following address
25, rue de la libération, 8245 Mamer
I offer prenatal classes that prepare parents on various topics according to the needs / interests of the woman or the couple.
I think it's important for parents to know
that it is their birth
what is going on in the woman's body,
how the baby adapts himself to this world and
how to make it easier for him and them
A selection of topics are as follows :
Information on administrative procedures
The end of pregnancy
What to put in my suitcase ?
When to go to the hospital ?
The different stages of birth
Pain management
Physiological birth
Cesarean section or more difficult births
What is a birth plan?
Your stay in the hospital
Breastfeeding or artificial milk ?
Adaption of the baby to the new life
The first time at home
These courses are held in small groups of max 3 couples or individually and are reimbursed by CNS , ( 60 minutes / session)