Postnatal Visits
Every woman in Luxembourg has the right to a follow-up by a midwife after birth.
CNS covers the cost of home visits to a 100%:
after the birth of second child ( or third, fourth....) up to 15 days
after the birth of a first child ( on medical prescription with code VSF62)
a caesarean section,
a multiple birth
or preterm birth (<37 weeks)
up to 21 days after birth
It is my job to
control the health of the mother and the good development of the baby
to be a support in the many topics of postpartum:
such as breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, care of the baby and the mother, blood analysis of the baby (after 3 days), adaptation of the baby, sleep of the baby, hormonal changings of the mother, insecurity of the parents etc ....
It's important to me that you feel safe and comfortable at home , and that you are feeling well.
I will guide you in your choice ,
answer your questions
work with you for the best start into the new life with your baby.
For me, it's always nice to meet you before the birth in order to work on a common base